What we offer

Transnational Cooperation

Transnational Cooperation

How do we shape transnational cooperation in the face of the global power inequalities in which we operate? What do feminist-intersectional approaches look like in the so-called development sector? How do we begin to decolonise human rights work and humanitarian aid? How do we support social movements beyond project logic and NGO-isation? What do activists need whose spaces for action and security are shrinking? How can we build and strengthen networks of solidarity?

We consult organisations in Germany and internationally that are committed to working for human rights. We use our practical experience in transnational human rights work and on topics such as shrinking spaces, holistic security and decolonising aid to help you make conceptual and practical progress.

Possible formats

  • Workshop with transnational teams on collaboration in unequal power relations
  • Consultation on gender-just, feminist, intersectional approaches in programme and project work
  • Advice on the development of concepts for partnership work
  • Guidance during the implementation phase

Development and Change

Identity and Strategy

Feminist Leadership Culture

Leadership Competence

Team Competence

Self Care | Collective Care |
Organisational Resilience

Self Care | Collective Care | Organisational Resilience

Conflict and Communication

Advocacy and Negotiation


Moderation and Facilitation

A Revolution Needs Funds

feminist consulting collective GbR
Thielenstr. 14 • D‑50825 Cologne