What we offer

Conflict And Communication

Conflict And Communication

How do we overcome tensions, resistance or divisions between individuals or within teams? How do we make use of communication to avoid or resolve conflicts? Do we use conflicts to develop our teams and address pending clarification processes?

The more people or groups are able to mindfully communicate and deal with conflicts, the more capable, constructive and resilient they are. We support individuals and teams in internal and external conflicts in an impartial, mindful and power-sensitive way and support them in resolving conflicts of roles, decisions or interests. We support you to develop communicative competence and conflict culture in individuals, teams and at management level.

Possible formats

  •  Conflict facilitation
  • Coaching on conflict and communication 
  • Workshop to reflect on and develop communication and conflict culture in teams 
  • Conflict training for teams and groups

Development and Change

Identity and Strategy

Feminist Leadership Culture

Leadership Competence

Team Competence

Self Care | Collective Care |
Organisational Resilience

Self Care | Collective Care | Organisational Resilience

Transnational Cooperation

Advocacy and Negotiation


Moderation and Facilitation

A Revolution Needs Funds

feminist consulting collective GbR
Thielenstr. 14 • D‑50825 Cologne